Hunting Elk in BC
We have a large population of elk and it is split into 2 different seasons. We have a 6 point regulation over a lot of the area that is only open from the 5th to the 15th of September. About 20% of the area is open with rifle or bow from August 15 till the end of October. This area has a lot of burns and the elk hunting works exceptionally well in combination with Moose especially as both species favor different aspects of the regrowth that occurs after a forest fire.
Bulls range in size from 270-310 with the occasional bull exceeding this. The largest elk we have taken recently was a 6X7 that scored 325.
It is a fun hunt that on a combination trip with moose usually results in a lot of meat for you to bring home. Often hunters on the big combo hunts will drive to our base camp on the famous Alaska Highway (The Alcan) with a freezer in the back of their truck and bring all their animals home with them to enjoy for the rest of the year!
Available to book as single or combination hunts.