General Hunting Information
Shipping your animal
If you drive to our lodge we can make all the necessary arrangements for you to drive home with your animals including all the paperwork and permits required. If you are coming here from the US, it is approximately 20 hours of driving after you cross the border into Canada. If you have the time and are in one of the closer states or provinces we recommend this option. We can have everything ready for you to bring home, including the meat, cape and horns and we do so for no charge.
If you choose to fly, once you no longer have possession of your harvested animals, different rules apply and I cannot simply ship you your animals. We use Brian Kadramas with Dakota Taxidermy (1-800-669-9217) and he prepares all of the paperwork and permits and handles all the shipping. We coordinate with him and he will reach out directly to you regarding shipping addresses for you or your taxidermist. He will bill you directly for this service and it is approximately $600 plus shipping. Brian does a great job; the animals always make it where they need to go, and every piece is closely monitored every step of the way. Dakota is also a world class taxidermist if you choose to have him mount your animals.
More about shipping
At this stage, there is not a good option for shipping your meat home. If you fly, you can bring coolers of it frozen on the plane if you wish; if you leave meat behind every piece is utilized here. Many of the guides bring meat home for their families and beyond what we use, we give to a number of the First Nation Elders in the area which is always much appreciated and further distributed by them. Every edible portion of every animal we harvest comes out of the mountains and is fully utilized.
Wounded game policy
Our company policy on wounded game is if you draw blood that is your animal. We are committed to the retrieval of any and all wounded game. Additional support staff will assist you and your guide in the search. It takes time for birds and bears to find a wounded animal and we are committed to that search which does not end when you leave. We make a point to return to the location on later hunts and continue looking for ravens or predators working the kill site.
Everyone loses in the case of a critically wounded animal, especially the animal, so be sure of your shot. Try not to take poor percentage shots, do not shoot if the animal is too far away or in a position that a second shot is not probable. The final decision on whether you shoot or not is in your hands as the hunter, so only pull the trigger when you are sure of a good shot.
Hunt dates
We go to the Safari Club International Convention and The Wild Sheep Convention every year. Look for Stone & Folding Mountain Outfitters booth and we would love to chat with you!
Dallas SCI – January 11-14, 2024
Wild Sheep Foundation in Reno January 17-20, 2024
SCI Nashville January 31-February 3, 2024
Planning your trip
You will drive to our lodge or fly into Fort Nelson, BC. From the lodge you will either horseback, backpack or fly to your final hunting destination. When the hunt is done we will transport you back to Fort Nelson.
Accommodations during the hunt will be cabin, wall tent or backpack tent, depending on the type of hunt.
Please book your Central Mountain Air flight first, as there are a limited number of flights that come to Fort Nelson each day. Once that flight is booked, you can arrange your other flights to coincide with your CMA flight.
If you would like to bring your meat home with you, bring coolers or a chest freezer, depending on the distance you have to drive.
We are at Mile 428 on the Alaska Highway. 10km (6miles) past Toad River Lodge heading north, take a right at the Stone & Folding sign onto a dirt road. Continue to follow the B&B signs for about 5km until you get to our lodge.
Website Links
- Guide Outfitters Association of BC – www.goabc.org
- Firearms Declaration – http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/information/visit/index-eng.htm
- Central Mountain Air – www.flycma.com
- Coastal Bear Spot and Stalk with Scott Miller – www.millershuntingoutdoors.com
- Alberta White Tails Hunts with Chad Miller – www.millersnorthoutfitting.com
- Baited Black Bear Hunts with Joel Friesen – www.friesensoutfitting.com
- Dall Sheep Hunts with Riley Pitts – www.biggamebackcountryguides.com
- Asian Hunts with Bryan Martin – www.asianmountainoutfitters.com
- Stone Glacier Gear – www.stoneglacier.com
- Schnees Boots – www.schnees.com/schnees-boots